UN Blatantly Lied About Global Warming Due To CO2 Emissions By Fossils Fuels

The tussle between global cooling and global warming has been going on even before 1960’s. Upto 1962 we were discussing ways to warm up the Arctic but with the death of Harry Wexler in 1962 things changed forever. In the 1963 GeoEngineering proposals to warm the Arctic took a largely unexplained U-turn when oceanographer, Roger Revelle’s research concluded that carbon dioxide was already warming the climate for free and without the need for expensive and risky geoengineering projects. The worst part was that the lies, hoax and false propaganda of global warming was spread by those having vested interests. There was neither any agreement nor any global consensus among the stakeholders involved in this field in 1970.

Even after almost 50 years the lie of global warming is not only shamelessly peddled but it has even been supported by United Nations (UN). Instead of scientific and conclusive studies in this field, UN preferred to rely upon lies, presumptions, conjectures and surmises. As a result nations imposed carbon emissions tax and other financial penalties that were utilised for even worst sinister purposes .i.e. GeoEngineering and manipulation of earth’s climate using earth based and space based technologies.

A big lie was also spread that 97% of the climate scientists believe that global warming is a man-made disaster. Firstly, there is nothing like “global warming” as even within a country one place may be having a snowfall while other may be facing severe heat. So UN and its so-called scientists used data fudging and labelled “regional warming” as “global warming” to continue its global warming hoax.

Secondly, 97% scientists, climate scientists, physicists, etc have never claimed that global warming is a result of man-made actions like CO2 emissions of fossil fuels. On the contrary, only 1.6 percent explicitly stated that man-made greenhouse gases caused at least 50 percent of global warming. In fact, the scientists who were claimed to be part of this 97% lies openly rejected this false assumption.

In their process to continue to peddle this lie UN and its scientists are doing greater damage to our environment and earth. They are trying to justify GeoEngineering and manipulation of earth’s environment using unscientific, untested, dangerous and irreversible technologies. This time we should not let the climate criminals manipulate us and our earth to suit their own commercial interests.

One thought on “UN Blatantly Lied About Global Warming Due To CO2 Emissions By Fossils Fuels

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